Atifa Khan

Bonnie Boots Badminton Participant Case Study

Atifa Khan

Bonnie Boots Badminton Participant Case Study

Provide a few details about your fitness, background & home life?

I love keeping active by going on walks, playing badminton and going swimming on a regular basis. I came to know about Bonnie Boots Badminton through a friend who was already attending and decided to join as well. During the day I work as a freelance photographer or as an interpreter for the NHS and Courts. I live in Glasgow with my husband and 3 children.


By taking part in badminton have you felt any improvement in certain areas of your life?

I felt an improvement in my mental, physical health and overall fitness. At the badminton session I have met like-minded people and formed new friendships. The sessions provide a chance for me to socialise and feel connected to the community. By taking part in the badminton sessions I started taking into consideration my health & wellbeing in other areas of my life as well for example choosing healthier food options.


Please provide any other thoughts you would like to share?

I love the badminton sessions that we have!

Please provide a testimonial comment that will help encourage others to join badminton?

Playing badminton not only refreshes your body but also your mind. I’ve met so many nice people and played some amazing games.


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